Imposing surcharges on credit card transactions is illegal, and it will only lead to problems. The secret to beating the credit card processing system is not charging more for credit card sales, but instead is charging less for cash sales. It may sound like the same thing, but there is a big difference.The increasing costs […]
Category: Articles
Ten Crucial Questions for Your Business Future
As a business coach I specialize in asking questions. The right question asked at the right time can effect your business future more than you can imagine. It has the power to completely and instantly shift your mental activity, your entire thought pattern, and ultimately the actions you take. Over the last fourteen years I’ve […]
Don’t Shoot the Sales Team
Revenue is down. Sales are slowing. The CEO looks up from the business plan and realizes that the company wont meet analysts expectations. Focusing on the organizations sales leader, the stage is set for sacrificing a scapegoat. Upon who else should the axe fall when the sales organization misses revenue targets? After all, arent sales […]
The Dangers Of Get Rich Quick Schemes And Other Money Pits
It is an understandable that millions of people have ambitions, desires or passing wishes to have their own business. Let’s face it, countless millions of people are in jobs they do not really like, nor get any satisfaction from. Financially, they get by from to month to month, but cannot build up real wealth. It […]